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Farm Happenings at Bayfield Foods
7.16.22 Farm Happenings
Wow, it's the middle of July already - how does that happen so fast? We've been focused on a lot of cultivating this week, and our efforts are paying off. The field crops, while late due to the droughty conditions, are looking pretty good. We've been really on top of cultivating t1 read more »
7.8.22 Farm Happenings
FINALLY, some decent rain! Here at the farm we got an inch of rain last weekend, and the field crops are absolutely loving life again. To put that in context, we only got 1.6 inches of rain for the entire month of June. Most veggie crops like to see 1 inch of rain per week, and on1 read more »
7.1.22 Farm Happenings
Hello, July, and welcome to week 6 of the summer CSA season! Here at Great Oak Farm, we've been doing a lot of cultivation in on our field crops as we wait for rain. The weeds don't seem to really mind the droughty conditions and grow just fine, but we're keeping them in check with time1 read more »