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Farm Happenings at Bayfield Foods
4.28.22Farm Happenings
It's been another pretty meh week for weather up here (...will Spring ever get here?!) but our hoophouse spinach is going out with gusto! We've been busy harvesting, and it just keeps growing. And growing. And GROWING! We need to get those beds harvested and turned over for n1 read more »
4.22.21 Farm Happenings
Happy Earth Day! It was another week of rain, snow, and cold. But despite the lousy weather, the cucumbers are spreading their wings and starting to fly already. And, cold or not, we had another week of planting, planting, and more planting in the greenhouse. This week we se1 read more »
4.14.22 Farm Happenings
Well, the weather is pretty lousy outside - is it muddy, or is it frozen? - but we're already well underway with the planting and growing season here at Great Oak Farm. This week, we seeded our first rounds of broccoli and cucumbers with our little vacuum seeder, as well as several beds worth1 read more »
4.8. Farm Happenings
Despite the 8+ inches of fresh snow that fell this week, we managed to get the first hoophouse transplants of the 2022 growing season in the ground - hardy beets! Transporting tools and transplants around in these conditions - sticky wet snow on top of very soft ground - means we have to haul every1 read more »
4.1.22 Farm Happenings
Welcome to the first delivery of the spring CSA season, and happy second winter! Or is it third winter now, I keep losing track. Either way, spring is on the way, and the warm temps and sunshine this weekend will feel like we're in the tropics compared to what we've been having. I1 read more »