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Farm Happenings at Bayfield Foods
May 28 Farm Happening
On behalf of all of the farms and food producers in the Bayfield Foods Cooperative, welcome to the first week of the summer CSA season! We're looking forward to a great season! A few logistical reminders for you:
1. Be sure to set your preferences in your member profile. If1 read more »
May 22 Farm Happenings
Water and diesel. Somewhat ironically, these are the lifeblood of just about any farm. Without either one, farm systems grind to a halt. So when I came in the field on Monday evening and noticed the sprinklers weren't working any more, my heart skipped a beat. I quickly tried several ou1 read more »
May 15 Farm Happenings
It's hard to believe Friday is here again already. Time seems to fly by us as we get into the busy spring season, so much planting and seeding to do, preparing fields, there is not much time for thinking. Time needs to be reserved for doing. To help us keep up with the pace of spr1 read more »
May 8 Farm Happenings
Here at Great Oak Farm, this is the first week for fellow farmers Eric and Ryan to get their hands in the dirt. I am fortunate enough to work along side some amazing folks each season, and this year is certainly no exception. Those of you who were with us last year might recognize Eric1 read more »
May 1 Farm Happenings
As a farmer, I can't help but talk about the weather. It shapes my daily life in a pretty direct way, and dictates what we can and can't do here on the farm. I check the weather forecast morning, noon, and night. No exaggeration. But whether you are a farmer or not, it's hard not1 read more »
April 24 Farm Happenings
For the Farm Stand this week, we're excited to offer some bare root plant boxes from Hauser's Farm in Bayfield. Fritz and Dane have put together some exciting options, all of which are available in the Choose Add On section of the Farm Stand. Normally, their famous Red Barn Plant Sale i1 read more »
April 17 Farm Happenings
As we hear stories and see first hand how our conventional food distribution system is being particularly challenged right now - produce rotting in fields unharvested, industrial meat processing lines being shut down, and the resulting limited selection at many grocery stores - it feels mighty good1 read more »
Tulip Farm Happenings April 15
Tulip season is swinging into gear, so we are busy harvesting tulips 2-3x day. We harvest them just as the buds start to color up to ensure that our customers get the longest vase life possible. We are plowing ahead with our seeding plans for the year, however we have had our May weddings cancel a1 read more »
Farm Happenings for April 15
This last week, with the start of the busy hoophouse planting season, it seems as if spring has now officially arrived here in the Northland. The ice is all melted off of the farm irrigation pond now, and gone too are the muddy snow piles next to the driveway. We've still got a few stub1 read more »