The last farm note was talking about how dry the field was, and now we're getting another good rain, expected to last most of the weekend. I'm grateful for it, as we do need a bit more. We've been battling pests big and small in the field over this week...many of the beans that we had just seeded were eaten by a mouse (possibly mice?) that we discovered hiding underneath the row cover. Can't say I blame him, it's nice and warm and plenty to eat under there. An unknown animal - rabbit? groundhog? - ate a couple of tomato plants and cut the tomato twine in several spots, loosening it all the way down the rows, which was very unusual to see. And we realized that we have allium leaf miner on the garlic, which is a relatively new pest in PA (it showed up in late 2015), and best management practices are still being developed. With the pests and the weeds, it's certainly feeling like June!
Broccoli is in this week, along with kohlrabi, and peas are coming soon! We hope to have them in a week or two. Kale, lettuce, and chard are also coming in in earnest.
Herbs are planted, but we're still waiting on them to grow. Parsley, cilantro and dill are in the ground and will *hopefully* appear in shares in a few weeks. Basil will go in next week and will be a staple in summer shares!
Pastured Meats - There's plenty of our pastured / organically-fed chicken available now, and don't forget that we have grass-fed ground beef from Flying Plow Farm available as an add-on item to your share. We also partner with Little Flower Farm, who raises pastured pork and beef. Little Flower is offering a special on a whole or half hog for your freezer right now! If you're interested in bulk purchasing some of their delicious pork, send an email to Mike at and he can give you all the details.
Featured Product
Lemon Yogurt from Seven Stars Farm! Ok, this stuff is AMAZING. I'm serious, you have to try it. Seven Stars Farm creamy whole milk yogurt with maple syrup and lemon extract. It's so refreshing during summertime and I may or may not have eaten an entire quart in one sitting.....Theo helped though! :) If you're not a lemon fan, try the plain yogurt if you haven't yet. It's perfect with Tucker & Co Granola!