Thank you Sarah and Dan McClure of Walla Walla Organics for two of the items in this week's offerings: the oh so delicious Walla Walla Sweet Onions and the new green peppers (super crisp and sweet). We are so lucky to live and grow in a farming community of such skill and generosity.
Farm crew has been really enjoying the new harvest tasks that also involve tasting to learn correct ripeness levels. Peaches, sweet corn, and melon are making us very happy. We hope they make you happy this week too.
Flowers are perking back up with even just a few cooler days. Enjoy the new mix of blooms, all picked by Hazel. At 12, she has developed a good eye for the flowers and has built up the endurance to bring in these big harvests. I couldn't be prouder farmer mama.
Happy eating,
Emily and the whole farm crew