I hope these last days of summer are treating you and yours well. This photo is of our girls up in the Lakes Basin of the Eagle Cap Wilderness. They did a 3 night backpack last weekend with a family friend (without Andy or me). I'm a pretty proud mama bear. Back on the farm, I nursed a broken tail bone and Andy and Toby and the farm crew pitched in to make a record-breaking market happen. It was so rewarding to line up a deep harvest, cool weather, and the return of folks back to town.
On the CSA front we seem to be working out the start of season kinks. Analytics tell me that 57% of you are customizing your boxes. Please do take advantage of the Harvie platform to swap or add items to your box. Changes need to happen before 8 pm on Sunday. This gives me time to generate the pick list that we work from on Monday morning.
For this coming Monday, we'd like to offer a (very comfortable 85 degree forecast of a day) invitation to our annual "Labor on Labor Day Community Potato Dig." Drop by the farm between 8 and noon to help us bring in the spud harvest, and take home some for your own kitchens too. Kids and friends most welcome.
Happy Eating,