We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving day with some loved ones and lots of delicious food. Next week we'll be bringing you a whole bunch of greens that will help you get your energy back after a potentially epic feast. We'll also be sending some yummy root veggies - sweet potatoes and turnips (they roast wonderfully together), as well as some lovely beets. We'll be sending more fennel, which pairs nicely with the beets, or makes a delicious side dish roasted with garlic and herbs.
If you have a Meat CSA share, we are excited to send you the new pork we got in last month. We are also moving the lamb inventory out to make room for fresh lamb coming in the next few weeks. This week we took 5 cows to the processor, so we are looking forward to sharing more beef with you soon. With all this inventory being replenished, we feel deep gratitude for each animal that will nourish our bodies this upcoming coming year.
We are also pretty excited about some new sweatshirts and t-shirts that just came in (see Katherine and Gaabi wearing them in the photo above). Get your Raising Food, Sinking Carbon apparel on our online store now! Limited supply available.
What's in the box:
Special note about extras: Harvie will only allow you to order extras if you have a meat CSA share. I will take extra orders for Veggie CSA members if you reply to this email, and if inventory allows.
- Goat Dairy- Goat cheese (chevre) and yogurt from The Goat Mother
- Parsley- 4 oz for $4 from The Goat Mother
- Whole Chickens- Pasture raised, Non-GMO chickens from Underground Farmers
- Bread- Sourdough, Honey Oat Sourdough, Baguettes, from Lillian St. Bread
- Honey- Light Wildflower honey from TN Artisan Honey
- Mushrooms - Oysters, Shiitakes, Lions Mane from Henosis Mushrooms
- Microgreens - from Greener Roots Farm
Green Juice (any greens can be used here!)