Hi All - And welcome to the 1st week of the CSA! We're so happy to have many returning members and excited to meet and greet some new faces. The past week has been a busy one on the farm (seems like they all are!), we finished prepping new ground for crops, so we can cross that off the list and focus on raising the crops themselves. We're going to be doing a big push of planting this week, and are hoping that all of our hard frosts are behind us...fingers crossed. We've got several rows of summer squash to transplant and direct seed, peppers to go into their spots in our hoop houses, and the regular plantings of lettuce, beets and scallions.
The Farmers Market at Libby has been very successful these first couple of weeks of the season. There have been more vendors and customers than last year, and we hope the trend continues. Most customers to the market seem to come in the first hour from 3-4, so we're asking that any members that aren't particular on when they come to pick up there box try to come after 4. We'll be keeping the boxes cool in our trailer and with the ability to customize, we hope that will free some folks up from needing/wanting to show up right at market opening.
We hope this new system through Harvie will be beneficial to you guys this year, please let us know if you have any questions along the way and we'll work through them together. Lets see how it goes...!
Cheers, Bonnie & Rudy