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Farm Happenings at Hoot Owl Farm
CSA Week #20
This is it! The last week of the CSA season is upon us. We're definitely feeling like we should be this late in the growing year, pretty worn out and tired, but also excited to finish out the season and proud of all that we've accomplished. While this is the last official CSA pick up, we do plan to1 read more »
CSA Week #19
Hello Folks! It's your weekly reminder to swing by your pick up location to grab your produce box this week! If this is your last week and you're not in the habit of religiously reading our farm happenings from your off-weeks...we'd like to take a minute to say THANK YOU! This year was tough1 read more »
CSA Week #18
It's that time again! Remember to swing by your chosen pick up location this week to pick up your vegetable boxes! For those who have been CSA members before, it's also that time again when the produce selections begin to decrease in favor of the cold hardy fall type crops. The good news is that we1 read more »
CSA Week #17
Not gonna lie...this was a bit of a rough week. BUT, we're past the hump, it's Harvest Festival tomorrow, and the weekend ahead is looking fine, so all's well! We both used to work for the Forest Service, and they used an analogy to do with wildfires or accidents or really anything going wrong -- t1 read more »