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Farm Happenings at Hoot Owl Farm
CSA Week#16-A
Rudy and Cartman waiting out a downpour today with a load of winter squash. We pulled into the wash pack to stay dry until we could unload the harvest into the curing area. Friday was another good harvest day, we finished the onion harvest, and got another good load of potatoes and winter squash ou1 read more »
CSA Week #16-B
Potatoes and onions are out of the ground, and more cover crop seed is in. Things are happening how they're supposed to, and we're going to do what we can to continue the trend! This week marked our last outdoor transplanting, and probably our last outdoor direct seeding for crops that are meant to1 read more »
CSA Week #15-A
You know what time it is, right?! Time to customize your boxes for week #15. So get in there and switch/swap/add to until your veggies next week are just as you'd like them. For extras, don't forget to check out farm fresh eggs from the Miller Farm, honey from Mclaury Apiaries, bread and bagels fro1 read more »
CSA Week #15-B
It's been a major harvest week for us and we were really glad to have an extra hand on deck for a little bit. Bonnie's cousin Mali showed up for work while visiting, and ended up harvesting cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes and LOTS of onions - a well rounded visit for sure -- Thanks, Mali!!
We1 read more »
CSA Week #14-A
Ahh Cartman...what a useful addition to the Hoot Owl team this little golf cart has been this year! He hauls flats of seedlings out to the field every week to be planted, he hauls produce in from the field to be washed, he hauls huge loads of crop debris and weeds to the compost pile, and this week1 read more »
CSA Week #14-B
What a nice rain we had! Almost feels like we're in an alternate universe these past couple of cooler days. We are liking it quite a bit, and so is the cover crop that we seeded. Timing couldn't be better there, our only wish is that we had more blocks prepped and seeded to take advantage of this p1 read more »
CSA Week #13-A
It's week 13 and let's hope it's actually a lucky one, huh? It's time to get into your Harvie boxes and switch/swap/add to customize them to your liking. We have several exciting new and also some exciting old extras available this week. First up are delicious farm fresh eggs from the Miller Farm,1 read more »
CSA Week #13-B
Well, this secret smiley face in the salad mix didn't turn out as perfect as Bonnie intended it when she sneakily laid out the transplants in a pattern. But you get the idea, and the wilty lettuce head is sort of like a gap tooth or something, adds character, right?! It sure was nice to get some ra1 read more »
CSA Week #12-A
Hello Everyone! It's that time of the week again - time to swap and switch your veggie boxes for the 12th week of the CSA. While you're in there swapping, don't forget to check out our available extras. This week, we've got farm fresh eggs from the Miller Farm, honey from McLaury Apiaries, bread an1 read more »