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Farm Happenings at Hoot Owl Farm
CSA Week #11 - Pick Up
What's the best way to get melons out of a tangle of vines and fruit that's approximately 50'x50'? Harvesting melons is tricky because pretty much the entire ground surface is covered with vines and we don't really want to destroy the patch as we harvest (melons are still ripening out there!), but1 read more »
CSA Week #10 - Customize
Well folks, here we are in week #10, which puts us in the second half of the CSA season. We are often able to do Farm Stand boxes for a few weeks after the CSA season ends in late-September, but they are at a lower rate, and it's definitely not something that we want to guarantee with our wildly un1 read more »
CSA Week #10 - Pick Up
And just like that...it's melon season. Just as with many crops this year, melons showed up earlier than expected by a couple of weeks. That means that there are NO melons in the CSA boxes this week, but there will be some at market tomorrow. Remember, that if you'd like to purchase anything additi1 read more »
CSA Week #9 - Customize
A hot week for sure on the farm. We are currently sweating through planting this week's succession of salad mix and wrapping up this season's garlic harvest. We always enjoy walking by the garlic curing area for the couple of weeks directly following harvesting garlic and we find ourselves eating a1 read more »
CSA Week #9 - Pick Up
We're starting to see some unusual colors on the farm - pinks, purples, yellows - the type of color that we don't see in our typical 'for-eating' crops. The flowers are starting to bloom, above is one of the first dahlias of the season. But the gladiolus are also starting, and they are a more flash1 read more »
CSA Week #8 - Customize
This is Rita with a beautiful batch of beets. This year, beets are really the first crop that we’ve had in bulk quantities to offer for canning purposes. So, if you’d like to try your hand at pickled or canned beets, now is a great time to grab a 10lb. bag. We do plan to have bulk roots1 read more »
CSA Week #8 - Pick Up
This picture doesn't quite show just how much 'tomato tar' that we had on our hands this afternoon...but it gives you an idea. Anyone who spends much time around their tomatoes is familiar with tomato tar, a powdery yellow substance that coats hairs all over the tomato plants. It's literally ALL OV1 read more »
Week #7 - Customize
Pic above is our wash/pack area (or 'Wash Vegas' as Bonnie is trying to convert the crew to calling it...having minimal luck, lol). It shows our new cooler, right beside our old one, with a covered breezeway and our new this year concrete floor. It's a fairly simple building, but this year it has h1 read more »