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Farm Happenings at Hoot Owl Farm
CSA Week #15 - Customize
Well, we think we've made it through the bulk of melon season! This past week was a bumper crop with over 1,000lbs harvested! But our first block is about done producing, so we're starting the inevitable decline in melon yields. But we will still have melons for a bit, so be sure to get your 1 read more »
CSA Week #15 - Pick Up
It's a very welcome wet day, we're enjoying the new smells of rain on dry soil, rain on thirsty leaves, and even rain on compost! Today has been a mostly inside day, but we're all enjoying the change in the weather -- we even made hot tea for lunch! Perhaps the most fitting happening of the day is1 read more »
CSA Week #14 - Customize
Well, it's still terribly hot out as I type this, but the wind is blowing and a change is in the air and that's good enough for us. The promise of a cooler week next week is enough to make us more energetic this Friday. We've pulled a lot of bulk out of the field already today, the photo above is o1 read more »
CSA Week #14 - Pick Up
It's peak melon season RIGHT NOW! We're harvesting melons from all three of our melon blocks, so we're pretty darn certain that this week will be the biggest harvest of melons of the season. As a result, we're trying to move a lot of melons tomorrow. The special deal is 'buy three, get one free!',1 read more »
CSA Week #13 - Customize
Pic above is Bonnie manning our first on farm pop-up stand of the season. Will we have more? It's hard to say, we just let the produce dictate whether we have enough quantity and variety beyond our normal channels to support a pop-up farm stand. But if we do have more, they will likely be on Friday1 read more »
CSA Week#13 - Pick Up
Whew! What a hot week we're having! Every day so far, temps have risen well beyond 100 degrees in the afternoon and it's expected to be more of the same tomorrow. Needless to say, temperatures like this are hard on farmers, hard on crops, and pretty much just hard on everybody. So we're definitely1 read more »
CSA Week #12 - Customize
A short and sweet farm update today. The short is because we're just now wrapping up tasks at the farm on a Friday and we're ready to start the weekend! And sweet because the task that we've just about wrapped up is the first stage of propagating our strawberries. We started with a few rows of stra1 read more »
CSA Week #12 - Pick Up
Pic above is a particularly good pre-market crew lunch. Good lunches depend on how full the cutting board is, and when there fresh melon, tomato, cucumber, and peppers then it's always a tasty lunch. We work very hard on the farm, and many times feel aches and pains due to the farm even when we're1 read more »
Week #11 - Customize
Ripe pumpkins in July! Such a strange season we're having where everything seems about 2 weeks ahead of schedule...and in the case of this pumpkin, quite a bit more than 2 weeks! We were surprised last week with the scent of vine-ripened melons and sure enough, it was time to start harvesting them.1 read more »