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Farm Happenings at Hoot Owl Farm
CSA Week #3-B
Whew!! It is hot, Hot, HOT! We're doing our best to get the usual weekly farming done while also paying very close attention to irrigation, timers, filters, shade cloth, and basically anything that can help a crop get through this heat wave. The good news? When we cultivate weeds, they generally di1 read more »
CSA Week #2 Customize
Hi Everyone! It's Week #2 and it's time to customize your shares for pick up next week (if you wish!). Welcome to those every other week members who will be picking up for the first time - look forward to seeing you. If you are an every other week member, then you don't receive these emails on your1 read more »
CSA Week #1 Pick Up
It's pick up time! Don't forget to grab your box o' produce this week and any extras that you may have ordered at your chosen pick up time/location!
Our pic for the week may look simple enough - that's Bonnie's Mom, Rita, weeding the salad beds. But if you look closely, there are actually 4 people1 read more »
CSA Week #1 Customize
It's pick up time! Don't forget to grab your box o' produce this week and any extras that you may have ordered at your chosen pick up time/location!
Our pic for the week may look simple enough - that's Bonnie's Mom, Rita, weeding the salad beds. But if you look closely, there are actually 4 people1 read more »