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Farm Happenings at Hoot Owl Farm
CSA Week #12
It's pick up time for week #12. Remember to grab your market bag and make it to your chosen pick up location to grab your goods for the week! Should be a great day for the market, it'll be slightly cooler and a bit breezy so that should help with the overheating that we've all been dealing with for1 read more »
CSA Week #11
Ready, set, start your grills...but don't forget to stop by to pick up your produce box with the grilling zucchini first! Most of you have zucchini showing up in your boxes this week, so we decided to go with that theme. Check out a great recipe/primer on grilling zucchini here. You can just wing i1 read more »
CSA Week #10
Week #10 - Reminder to pick up your vegetable boxes this week! The Farmers Market at Libby is requiring masks for all visitors and vendors, so if you are unable to wear a mask, shield or other face covering, please use the pick up parking spot right out front by the entrance and we'll bring your bo1 read more »
CSA Week #9
Hello Everyone! Don't forget to hop on over to the Farmers Market tomorrow or on Farm on Friday, whichever your designated pick up location is, to grab your box for the week. As you may have heard, the Farmers Market at Libby will now be requiring masks to comply with the Governor's directive. We l1 read more »
CSA Week #8
Hi All - Remember to visit your favorite farmers and pick up your box this week at your designated spot! Looks like a beautiful day for a market tomorrow, and for many days after =)
Since most of you are getting some summer squash in your boxes this week, wanted to share a few tidbits on that parti1 read more »