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Farm Happenings at Hoot Owl Farm
CSA Week #3
Whew! This heat! We had to quit early today because it got way too hot for any planting to take place. We're hoping to get an early start and beat the heat tomorrow to put some more plants in the ground. Tomorrow's planting will be inside a tunnel, we decided to hold off on more field planting till1 read more »
Week #2
See you all at pickup tomorrow! Just wanted to include a note about a bug in the Harvie system that you may have noticed. If you've paid for some or all of your season with an offline payment (cash or check), then you might have seen that your share summary for this week implied that you will still1 read more »
Week #1
Hi All - And welcome to the 1st week of the CSA! We're so happy to have many returning members and excited to meet and greet some new faces. The past week has been a busy one on the farm (seems like they all are!), we finished prepping new ground for crops, so we can cross that off the list and foc1 read more »