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Farm Happenings at Hoot Owl Farm
Pop-Up Week #24 - Order
We're a little late getting our online Farm Stand open this week, but we'll make up for it by leaving it open longer -- until Tuesday at noon. Also, we're lowering our minimum order value to $15 as we have less variety to offer now that the cold temps have finally found us. But, we do still have lo1 read more »
Pop-Up Week #24 - Pick Up
REMEMBER! If your pick up is in Libby, it's FRIDAY 3:30-5 at the Antler's parking lot!
We're finishing up the season in the same way we typically begin -- moving compost around. Compost is an important part of our farm, especially to new blocks that we're bringing into production. Our soil is very1 read more »
Pop-Up Week #22 - Order
Deconstructing Dublin! Ok, that's an understandably confusing statement...we've called our new East field Ireland because it was first planted this year with mostly potatoes and onions. So when we needed a name to distinguish our tunnel over there from our other similar one, we naturally chose Dubl1 read more »
Pop-Up Week #22 - Pick Up
Announcement: The Libby pick up site tomorrow will be at our Pop-Up Farm Stand in the 4Bs/Antler's parking lot, from 3-6! On farm pick up on Friday will be the same, 2-5.
Whew! We're beat -- it's been a lot this week to get ready for our first farm stand in Libby that's not at the Farmers Mar1 read more »
Pop-Up Week #21 - Order
The big change for the farm this week is that the Farmers Market is over, so our weekly schedule will change a bit and there will be a pretty marked slow down in our farm tasks. A good thing too, and we'll be starting with tasks that we haven't done in quite a while: bed clean up, spreading compost1 read more »