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Farm Happenings at Hoot Owl Farm
CSA Week #7
Hello Everyone! Remember to grab your produce box at your pick up location this week. We'll have lots of kohlrabi at the market tomorrow, BUT forgetting to put it into the Harvest Estimate so you guys could choose or swap for it in your shares was the error of the week...oops! We are getting better1 read more »
CSA Week #6
Hi All - Don't forget to grab your boxes this week at pick up! Remember that if you ever need to reschedule your pick up or change location (either @market or @farm), you can do that through Harvie. You just need to have any changes made by the end of the customization window for that week, Mondays1 read more »
CSA Week #5
Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes to the drive thru... The drive through option at the market won't be available anymore. BUT, there's a new system in place that should work better. I know that several of you used the drive thru, and several more 'tried' to use the drive thru but had issues. We're sorry it wasn'1 read more »
CSA Week #4
'Show Me the Broccoli!!' That's what I imagine some of you saying right now. We're realizing some of the complications of customizing shares and one is that you have to be really good at estimating what your harvest WILL be about a week out. We're pretty good at doing that for some crops, but other1 read more »