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Farm Happenings at Hoot Owl Farm
Week #7 - Pick Up
Had to grab a funny pic of the crew that was working on the 4th of July. We can't imagine that many small farms like ours are able to take the holiday off. All of our days are pretty regimented this time of year. Mondays are greens harvesting, seeding, and harvesting crops like squash, cucumbers, c1 read more »
CSA Week #6 - Customize
Yay! Our cooler cover is complete, and we're listening to the sounds of thunder right now, so it's not a moment too soon. Our new cooler is not meant to be out in the weather, so since constructing it, each time it rained, we'd end up with a bunch of water inside. It was quite frankly stressing us1 read more »
CSA Week #6 - Pick Up
A cool start to the week has turned into a hot finish. These days are especially suited to focus on irrigation and cultivation or weeding. Generally, when it's rainy or even just on the cool side, we don't spend much time cultivation -- the reason is that those darn weeds have a higher likelihood o1 read more »
CSA Week #5 - Customize
Harvesting work is ramping up on the farm with the addition of several crops that require regular 'picking'. Once crops like summer squash, cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers start producing, we pretty much harvest from them every 2 days to once a week for as long as they go (or until we 'evict' them1 read more »
CSA Week #5 - Pick Up
What a strange week we've had! On Monday, we were quite surprised to arrive at the farm at 34-35 degrees. There pockets of frost, and we even found some ice in the lettuces, but we seem to have pulled through with no major losses. Well, that's not entirely true, the major losses can be tallied up b1 read more »
CSA Week #4 - Customize
Lots of new crops to harvest this week (including plenty of carrots)! We're beginning to harvest summer crops like zucchini, cucumbers, and cherry tomatoes, all the while also harvesting our spring crops like cabbage and broccoli. It's a little strange for us because in the past, it seems like the1 read more »
CSA Week #4 - Pick Up
Zucchini season is off to a great start! We had to brave the weather, but we bagged our limit! For this week anyway, as anyone who's grown zucchini knows...the limit keeps getting higher and higher, lol. Many of you will be getting zucchini in your box this week, and if you didn't, then you'll almo1 read more »
CSA Week #3 - Customize
Bonnie got a nice thank you at the market yesterday from some of the Headstart classes that came out to the farm for a visit this Spring. We had four separate field trips, and boy do we admire teachers for being able to occupy those inquisitive bundles of energy all day! We had some great questions1 read more »
CSA Week #3 - Pick Up
The new cooler is in, but there's a lot of finish work to do before the project is complete. Amazingly, this walk in cooler was built in about 1/2 hour by this fine crew. It's made out of insulated panels that 'cam-lock' together at a few points at each seam. A bit like legos or lincoln logs for ad1 read more »