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Farm Happenings at Hoot Owl Farm
CSA Week #3 - Pick Up
Remember to swing by your pick up place this week to grab your box!
This week has been a real fluctuator in terms of weather. We were drowning in our boots on Monday and now here it is Wednesday afternoon, and we're feeling slightly sun burned, and if the forecast holds, we'd better take eva1 read more »
CSA Week #2 - Customize
Week #1 went great, we're on to week #2 of the CSA season. For some of you (on an every other week schedule) this will be your first share. Welcome to all of our new members! Each week that you have a pick up, you'll get an email like this with any updates, news from the farm, reminders, and the ev1 read more »
CSA Week #2 - Pick Up
Payment Plan Reminder...Most of you are on the default payment plan for your CSA Share (unless you opted to pay all at once): When you signed up, you were charged 25% of the total cost of the CSA share. At your first pick up, you'll be charged another 25%, and the remaining 50% will be spread acros1 read more »
CSA Week #1 - Customize
It's that time! Time to grab your first CSA box of the season - we look forward to seeing you all at your pick up!
Welcome to all of our new members! Each week that you have a pick up, you'll get an email like this with any updates, news from the farm, reminders, and the ever important link to chec1 read more »
CSA Week #1 - Pick Up
Remember to swing by your pick up place this week to grab your first box of the season!
Market pick up: We'll be at the Farmers Market tomorrow from 3-6:30. We keep your boxes chilling in Vanna White, so it doesn't matter when you come in that window, your produce will be cool and fresh. The market1 read more »