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Farm Happenings at Hoot Owl Farm
CSA Week #12 - Pick Up
It's time to pick up! And there are a lot of items to be added on besides what will fit into your box this week, so take a minute to double check us. We try VERY hard to make sure you guys get exactly what you ordered, even creating little checks and balances to keep us paying close attention, but1 read more »
CSA Week #11 - Customize
Victory! The garlic is harvested and curing as we speak (read?). We also were able to prep and replant the entire garlic block to our fall brassicas (cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower), so we're happy to end the week feeling successful! You won't be seeing garlic as an option yet because we let it1 read more »
CSA Week #11 - Pick Up
Would you just look at that cute little visitor we had to the farm today! Barry's wife Ruth and new puppy Gracie stopped by to say hi and get some pets. Well, it's been a tough week on the farm mainly because of the heat. It's been so hot in the afternoon's that getting through our to do lists for1 read more »
CSA Week #10 - Customize
Wow, and just like that, we've entered the second half of the CSA season. It's week #10 and time to customize your box for pick up next week. We're starting to get those summertime staples (like cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers), but they're not quite in abundance yet, so you may see some in1 read more »
CSA Week #10 - Pick Up
It's time to pick up - don't forget! The pic above is of our Walla Walla sweet onions that some of you will find in your boxes this week. They are big and beautiful...and unfortunately not nearly as plentiful as we had planned. Walla Wallas are an overwintering onion that does well around here if y1 read more »
CSA Week #9 - Customize
This week on the farm was all about control...namely regaining it! If any of you are gardeners, then you know that it's quite a bit easier to deal with weeds when they're small. Once the buggers have grown a bit in size, it's like they're roots have become little fists that won't let go of the soil1 read more »
CSA Week #9 - Pick up
Who can resist a smile like this one, huh? Angelo and his sister Winnie, Mom Robin, and Aunt Ginny were out to visit the farm a couple of weeks ago, and we're just now seeing some of the great pics from their trip. These kids are a couple of carrot monsters, and I really had a hard time finding a f1 read more »
CSA Week #8 - Customize
Happy 4th of July! We hope you are all have plans to enjoy the weekend in whatever way you choose - I know we plan to celebrate with a good bit of R&R thrown in! The pic above is our attempt at decor for our booth at the market this week for the Stars & Stripes themed day. It's pretty hard1 read more »
CSA Week #8 - Pick Up
We're often asked how we deal with all of the pest pressure on our farm. The pic above is to prove that though we do have a lot of tricks up our sleeve, we're not always successful. Also...we wanted anyone that has been wishing for some napa cabbage in their box to see why it'll be awhile! This pla1 read more »