Farm Happenings at Hoot Owl Farm
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CSA Week #8 - Customize

Posted on July 10th, 2024 by Bonnie and Rudy Geber

The pic above is what it looks like on the farm Thursday morning while we pack boxes for the CSA and Farm Stand orders. It's pretty organized in that we have a pack line set up in order of weight (heavy items on the bottom!), we follow your customized tickets to carefully pack each box, and we even have a check station where we double check each box to make sure it's correct. We also have a strict 'No Talking' rule as we've found we need to stay focused during box packing! 


We're looking forward to the weekend and are sure you are to! Enjoy it and remember...

It's time to get into your profile and customize (if you wish) your box for next week. In addition to the vegetables in our harvest estimate this week, we've got lots of great add-ons from other local producers. 

Speaking of add-ons, we have some excellent local producers with great products to add or swap into your boxes. This week, we have:

- Farm Fresh eggs from the Miller Farm

- Pork from Double N Farms - ground pork, breakfast sausage, hot Italian sausage, bacon and pork chops!

- Fresh pressed apple cider and apple butter from Farm to Market Store

- Honey from McLaury Apiaries

Have a great weekend, and as always, let us know if you have any questions about our farm or the nuts and bolts of using Harvie. 

Cheers, Bonnie & Rudy

PS. While we're still working on a bread option to go along with your vegetable shares, we're happy to say there are several great bakers at the market where you can pick up breads if you wish. Next week, check out Lina's Cocina, Foxfishe Farm, Dorios, or starting the 18th - Pine Cabin Co.(there may even be others we've not tried yet!).