Farm Happenings at Hoot Owl Farm
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CSA Week #10 - Pick Up

Posted on July 19th, 2024 by Bonnie and Rudy Geber

Pic above: a field of sunny blooms - both sunflowers as well as the first blooms of our gladiolus...which are almost always yellow. Expect other colors soon, but for now bunches of beautiful yellows are going out with several shares this week! Glads are a great flower for their longevity as well as beauty. They begin flowering near the base of their stem, and if you pick them with just a little bit of color showing, they will gradually open all the way up the stem. Picking off the lower flowers as they dry out keeps your glad bouquet looking fresh for a very long time. 

It's time to hustle (or amble!) over to your pick up location this week to grab your vegetable share. Summer favorites are really picking up with this heat wave - we're picking tomatoes as I type. We're still sweating away this afternoon, but everyone has an air of relief as we all know that temperatures are finally set to come down a bit tomorrow. It will be a welcome change for our plants and for our always outside farmer bodies too! 

We look forward to seeing you at pick up this week. Remember, that if you'd like something from the market side that wasn't available in Harvie, just let us know, we'll grab it for you and you can pay at the pick up table - this is one of our CSA member/Farm Stand VIP treatments! 

Cheers, Bonnie & Rudy

PS...Just in case you've missed the memo, one more time about our 'Open Farm Fridays'...

We've started an unofficial custom of having 'open farm Fridays' from 2-5 on Friday afternoons. This is a great time for folks to come out to the farm for produce (we won't have a full market lineup, but we're sure to have some great crops harvested and available) or maybe to pick your own bouquet (we currently have sunflowers, but gladiolus and dahlias aren't far away!). It's also a great time for CSA members or other regular customers to come on out and see where their food is grown. If you're curious about our growing style, what the farm looks like, or simply want to get a closer look, we'll have a self-guided tour sheet available for you if you'd like to go on a farm walk. And finally, this is also an excellent time for any CSA members that have questions about the season, crops, how our CSA management system 'Harvie' works, etc., to stop by and get your questions answered. Consider popping out on an upcoming Friday afternoon!