Farm Happenings at Hoot Owl Farm
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CSA Week #12

Posted on August 2nd, 2024 by Bonnie and Rudy Geber

Another warm weekend ahead, so we've got our irrigation going double time, our filters are cleaned, as much shade cloth as we have is good luck crops! As for the farmers, we're going to go off in search of a lake or river! We're out harvesting 'strawberry tips' right now - it's one of the stranger harvests that we do. Strawberry tips are basically sectioning off and cutting one small start or 'runner'. Then we'll propagate those tips in our nursery for the next month, i.e. give them good conditions to grow a root into a small plug of soil. Then in early September, we'll plant out those starts into a new block for strawberries next year. We're still fairly new at growing berries, and we're trying to develop a system that works well for us (and doesn't over- or under-whelm us with berries). We're thinking that this two year berry rotation might be the ticket...time will tell. 

It's time to get into your profile and customize (if you wish) your box for next week. In addition to the vegetables in our harvest estimate this week, we've got lots of great add-ons from other local producers. 

Speaking of add-ons, we have some excellent local producers with great products to add or swap into your boxes. This week, we have:

- Artisan sourdough bread by Rachel at Pine Cabin Co. 

- Farm Fresh eggs from the Miller Farm

- Pork from Double N Farms - ground pork, breakfast sausage, hot Italian sausage, bacon and pork chops!

- Fresh pressed apple cider and apple butter from Farm to Market Store

- Honey from McLaury Apiaries

- Sunflower and gladiolus bunches from our flower patch as it starts to produce beautiful blooms this summer!

Have a great weekend, and as always, let us know if you have any questions about our farm or the nuts and bolts of using Harvie. 

Cheers, Bonnie & Rudy

Pic above: Market morning on the farm, it's just starting to heat up for the day and we're preemptively running overhead irrigation on the salad greens (to cool them off!).