Farm Happenings at Hoot Owl Farm
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CSA Week #13 - Customize

Posted on August 14th, 2024 by Bonnie and Rudy Geber

Our farm weeks have definitely taken on a busy summer routine. We need to keep a very tight schedule to make sure that the many ongoing production crops like tomatoes, summer squash and cucumbers are picked regularly AND that we still have enough time to do the other critical tasks of planting, watering, weeding, etc. Everyday has a pretty full list of tasks and it doesn't leave much room for improvisation or any surprise projects. The structure of this time of year is always a little hard on us because while there's no time for surprise projects, those projects sure do still crop up, lol! It seems that the cycle of the season generally ramps up until we've done a few very major harvests (onions, potatoes, winter squash) and then we start to have the time to work in some effort on the projects that have been building up. So while it does seem frenzied now, at least we know that if we keep up the pace for another month-month and a half, it WILL slow down! It's also an exciting time of year for farmers... a lot of the season is spent putting in work without seeing the outcomes (Spring planting, Fall field prep), but during this summer season, we get to see the results of our actions pretty quickly as well as the results from all of that Spring work too. Suffice it to say that we're tired, but happy!

It's time to get into your profile and customize (if you wish) your box for next week. In addition to the vegetables in our harvest estimate this week, we've got lots of great add-ons from other local producers. 

Speaking of add-ons, we have some excellent local producers with great products to add or swap into your boxes. This week, we have:

- Artisan sourdough bread by Rachel at Pine Cabin Co. 

- Farm Fresh eggs from the Miller Farm

- Pork from Double N Farms - ground pork, breakfast sausage, hot Italian sausage, bacon and pork chops!

- Fresh pressed apple cider and apple butter from Farm to Market Store

- Honey from McLaury Apiaries

- Dahlia and gladiolus bunches from our flower patch as it starts to produce beautiful blooms this summer!

Have a great weekend, and as always, let us know if you have any questions about our farm or the nuts and bolts of using Harvie. 

Cheers, Bonnie & Rudy

Pic above: Rudy and Zack out harvesting in the strawberry patch...but wait! It's not strawberries they're harvesting. They're grabbing strawberry 'tips' or runners to be propagated in our nursery and planted out to a new block this Fall.