Farm Happenings at Hoot Owl Farm
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Farm Stand week #23

Posted on October 19th, 2024 by Bonnie and Rudy Geber

Pick up options this week are both on Thursday, in Libby and at the farm. We're thinking that we'll likely be doing only pick up and not a pop-up produce stand, so the pick up window in Libby is a shorter timeframe, 4-5:30.  

1) Pick up at the Antler's Parking lot, Thursday, 4-5:30

2) Pick up at the Farm THURSDAY, 2-4

As the weather turns cooler and the sunlight is dropping very noticeably each day, our growing season is closer to the end, but not there yet, we still have some great Fall produce available. Be sure to grab a box for pick up this next week! We've lowered our minimum order on Harvie, so now that we have a bit less variety, you can more easily fill an order. This will be the last week for bell peppers and tomatillos, so be sure to grab some for salsa verde, stuffed bell peppers, or fajitas!

Thursday night reached a new low temperature at the farm and it was enough to definitively kill the dahlias. That means this coming week we'll be cleaning up our flower block. That means digging and washing all of the dahlia tubers as well as the gladiolus corms. We generally split the dahlia tasks into a few different days - one for digging and washing, a few days later we'll divide the tubers, then after a few more days (for drying time) we'll wrap and store the tubers for the winter - we'll be using impressive organization skills through the whole process as we need to make sure to maintain the variety name of each tuber all the way to their end storage spot so that we can properly plant them out next Spring. 

Our garlic is planted and tucked in for the winter, BUT you're not too late if you haven't planted yours yet. While we're out of seed garlic ourselves, you can still pick up some of our garlic at Heaven's Peak Organic Market or at Farm to Market Store, and that can be planted as well as enjoyed in dishes! Enjoy the weekend,

Cheers, Rudy & Bonnie

Pic above: Lettuces in our hoop houses are growing nicely. The trick is to have them reach a mature enough stage by the time active growing skids to a halt due to lack of sunlight in the Fall.