Farm Happenings at Hoot Owl Farm
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Farm Happenings at Hoot Owl Farm

CSA Week #18

Posted on September 11th, 2020
It's that time again! Remember to swing by your chosen pick up location this week to pick up your vegetable boxes! For those who have been CSA members before, it's also that time again when the produce selections begin to decrease in favor of the cold hardy fall type crops. The good news is that we1 read more »

CSA Week #17

Posted on September 4th, 2020
Not gonna lie...this was a bit of a rough week. BUT, we're past the hump, it's Harvest Festival tomorrow, and the weekend ahead is looking fine, so all's well! We both used to work for the Forest Service, and they used an analogy to do with wildfires or accidents or really anything going wrong -- t1 read more »

CSA Week #16

Posted on August 28th, 2020
It's pickup time for week #16! Don't forget to hop on over to your pick up location to grab your vegetable box for the week. As advertised, we do have some more melons ready for market tomorrow. We'd love to get some of them into the hands of our CSA members, so if you'd like to reserve a melon to1 read more »

CSA Week #15

Posted on August 21st, 2020
...Just sittin' around pickin' beans. Picking beans takes a LONG time, it sure is nice to grab several people to tackle that task together! This photo pretty much sums up our week - a lot of picking! We started out last Friday...because a farmer's week really ends the day of the market and starts a1 read more »

CSA Week #15

Posted on August 21st, 2020
Potato harvest 2020 is a success! That's our helper for the day, Joe in the pic and boy were we glad to have him! There was a lot of digging and heavy lifting and to have a 3rd person to divvy that out amongst was welcome. This did not quite go off without a hitch though. We were pretty set on doin1 read more »

CSA Week #14

Posted on August 15th, 2020
Don't forget to swing by your pick up location to grab your produce box for this week! We'll see you at either the Farmers Market at Libby on Thursday, 3-7 or on Farm on Friday, 2-5.  The pic above is just a teaser to let you know that...WINTER (squash) IS COMING! We have grand plans for the w1 read more »

CSA Week #13

Posted on August 7th, 2020
Whew! Lot's of picking this week! So much that we're doing some bulk orders, we'll include some information at the bottom in case any of you are interested in a bulk order in addition to your pick up tomorrow. We will likely begin to include some 10lb boxes of tomatoes next week into our harvest es1 read more »

CSA Week #12

Posted on July 31st, 2020
It's pick up time for week #12. Remember to grab your market bag and make it to your chosen pick up location to grab your goods for the week! Should be a great day for the market, it'll be slightly cooler and a bit breezy so that should help with the overheating that we've all been dealing with for1 read more »

CSA Week #11

Posted on July 24th, 2020
Ready, set, start your grills...but don't forget to stop by to pick up your produce box with the grilling zucchini first! Most of you have zucchini showing up in your boxes this week, so we decided to go with that theme. Check out a great recipe/primer on grilling zucchini here. You can just wing i1 read more »