Farm Happenings at Hoot Owl Farm
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CSA Week #6 - Pick Up

Posted on June 17th, 2022 by Bonnie and Rudy Geber

Happy Summer Solstice everyone! It sure did feel like the longest day of the year for us, because Tuesday was our biggest harvest day of the week and we also shifted our hours to start earlier in the day. The intention being to also end earlier in the day, but it doesn't always end up that way!

Ready for another CSA tidbit? Well, here goes... farming has really taught us that we have to take the good along with the bad, and we try not to get too fazed by the bad anymore because we're realizing that it's just part of operating in nature. Case in point, remember our most beautiful bed of cilantro ever from last week? It also turned out to be our shortest bed of cilantro ever. The combination of lots of rain followed by a sharp shift to warmer temps caused the plants to bolt very quickly. We expect that from cilantro, but we are typically able to harvest off of a bed for at least a few weeks before that happens. So while it is a bummer to have to abandon the bed without even getting a chance to harvest some of it (much less a second cutting), it was also a spectacular bed of cilantro while it lasted. So, as CSA members, you guys are right in the thick of it with us, experiencing the crops of plenty and the crop failures as well. Savor the cilantro bunches this week because even though they are smaller and less beautiful than before, they're also the last we'll have for a couple of weeks while we wait for the next planting to catch up. So, the good with the bad, about that kohlrabi! There's a crop that liked the rain and heat increase just fine!

Remember to come grab your share this week - we look forward to seeing you all at pick up!

Cheers, Bonnie & Rudy