Farm Happenings at Hoot Owl Farm
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CSA Week #3 - Pick Up

Posted on May 31st, 2024 by Bonnie and Rudy Geber


Remember to swing by your pick up place this week to grab your box!

This week has been a real fluctuator in terms of weather. We were drowning in our boots on Monday and now here it is Wednesday afternoon, and we're feeling slightly sun burned, and if the forecast holds, we'd better take evasive measures by Friday or we WILL be sunburned! We've done a pretty good job of staying productive by focusing on our 'tunnel tasks' on Monday - removing Spring crops, trellising and pruning tomatoes and cucumbers, weeding. And now we'll be focusing more on outside tasks that are effective in the warm sun, i.e. weeding. We plan to hill our potatoes tomorrow as well as get some much needed weeding done, so as long as we work WITH the weather and not against it things are a-okay. 

Looking forward to seeing you at pickup!

Cheers, Rudy & Bonnie

Pic above: proof of rain!