Farm Happenings at Hoot Owl Farm
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CSA Week #4 - Customize

Posted on June 12th, 2024 by Bonnie and Rudy Geber

Better late than never, right?! We decided to try our hand at petunia hanging baskets this year, but didn't quite time them right, lol. They're just starting to sprawl and bloom like crazy now. So we're offering them up to you guys as add ons to your boxes this week! We've already written a note for next year that petunias take a LONG time to germinate and grow to transplantable size. 

Lots of new items available for boxes this week, but some of them are in limited quantities. We always like do a quick explanation of our estimating for Harvie as the season ramps ups. Since we need to do a harvest estimate in order to run our Harvie customization, we need to be quite conservative so that we never 'count our cabbages before they've grown', so to speak. So very often, crops that are hard to estimate when they first start producing (tomatoes, strawberries, summer squash) often surprise us with larger early harvests than we anticipated so the excess goes to market while we didn't have it available in Harvie. But those crops quickly level off to a predictable weekly harvest amount so that we're able to more accurately estimate how much we'll harvest. So, though the very firsts of certain crops are often scarce in your boxes, they make up for it by being more reliable as the season continues. 

It's time to get into your profile and customize (if you wish) your box for next week. In addition to the vegetables in our harvest estimate this week, we've got lots of great add-ons from other local producers. 

Speaking of add-ons, we have some excellent local producers with great products to add or swap into your boxes. This week, we have:

- Farm Fresh eggs from the Miller Farm

- Fresh baked garlic parmesan bread from Dorio's

- Pork from Double N Farms - ground pork, breakfast sausage, hot Italian sausage, bacon and pork chops!

- Fresh pressed apple cider and apple butter from Farm to Market Store

- Honey from McLaury Apiaries

- Plant Starts from our own farm and beautiful hanging baskets!

Have a great weekend, and as always, let us know if you have any questions about our farm or the nuts and bolts of using Harvie. 

Cheers, Bonnie & Rudy


PS. FYI - if you're looking for carrots this week (and you probably are...), we've decided to hold off on harvesting carrots for a week. Our hoop house carrots are gone, and our field carrots need another week to size up before we start picking them. Remember, absence makes the stomach grow fonder...