Farm Happenings at Millsap Farms
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Many Hands Make Light Work

Posted on August 16th, 2019 by Curtis Millsap

We are just past halfway through the summer CSA season, and it's time to let those of you who have come out to complete your workshare how much we appreciate your work.  We know it takes effort to create time in your busy schedule to come out to the farm to give us a hand, whether it's a Tuesday harvest day, or a Saturday morning workshare. 

The many feet of vegetables weeded, compost spread, garlic sorted, carrots dug, herbs bundled, and tomatoes weighed testify to your commitment.  All of us on the farm appreciate your efforts, and your companionship; community is a big part of what we're about here on the farm, and we consider it a joy when we get to work alongside the folks who we work to feed each day. 

We love hearing your stories, sharing ours, getting to know your children, laughing together, and even sweating together.  "Many hands makes light work", as the saying goes, and it should also mention that many smiles make a glad heart.  So thank you, from the bottom of our hearts.  Altogether, the members of our farm contribute almost 2,000 hours per year to our farmwork, and the place simply wouldn't be the same without you.   

If you haven't made it out to the farm to help yet this year, there's still plenty of time.  We have workshare space every Tuesday, from 8-4 (we'll feed you breakfast and lunch), and we have three Saturday morning workdays left; August 17, September 7, and October 5.  Tuesdays are mostly harvest days, with lots of picking, washing, bunching, weighing, and packing.  Saturday mornings are more often mulching, weeding, cleaning, seeding, transplanting, etc.  Either day is inclusive of many physical ability levels, and we always welcome your kids, your friends, and your family to the farm as well.  Most people are a bit intimidated about the workshare at first, and most also find that it turns out to be one of the most rewarding part of being a CSA member;  working alongside farmers and other members to grow, harvest, and pack the food for hundreds of people is satisfying.   If you would like to sign up now, follow this link;   Of course, we also understand that not everyone is going to be able to complete their 12 hour workshare every season, and so we have offered the option for a workshare buyout, for $100.  This allows us to replace your work with hired help.  If you need to purchase a workshare buyout, feel free to e-mail us at, and we'll take care of it. 

Thank you for all you help,  it's a joy to be your farmers.

Farmer Curtis and rest of the crew.