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Farm Happenings at Millsap Farms
Fall Gardening Saturday Workday Coming Up.
We're well into fall now, with beautiful sunny days, and cool long nights. That means that the daikon are getting sweeter, the cabbages are sizing up, and it's time to plant garlic and onions for next season! We could really use your help on the farm to get this done; we've got our regu1 read more »
Frozen tomatoes, and covered cabbages...
We had a hard freeze this Tuesday night, 19 degrees! This effectively ended the tomato season, and severely reduced the pepper supply. However, it looks like the broccoli, cabbage, chard, head lettuce, and lots of other cool weather crops made it through with minimal damage, due to our protec1 read more »
Harvesting for now, preparing for spring, October 18
This week has been a whirlwind of harvesting (some like collards or chard, which get harvested the day before we send them out, and some like sweet potatoes, which get harvested and then cured for a week before being stored for distribution through the fall and winter).
At the same time, we've al1 read more »
Farm Happenings for October 11, 2022
It's fall, and there's a lovely nip in the air. The tomatoes and squash are still cranking out fruit, but we'll see if tonight puts a stop to that... meanwhile, there are some new offerings in the shares; my favorite is the napa cabbage, which makes a fabulous slaw, using a light asian style1 read more »
Farm Happenings for October 7, 2022
Happy Fall Everyone! read more »