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Farm Happenings at Millsap Farms
Farm Happenings for August 31, 2021
This time of year we get asked a lot about how heat effects the farm, so I thought I’d share some insights about high temperature vegetable growing. Like many aspects of our farm, we look at this through three lenses; people, profits, and planet. For the people on the farm,1 read more »
Farm Happenings for August 24, 2021
Good evening from the farm. It's been a busy few weeks on the farm, with personnel changes, vacation times, and a lot of planting to get done for fall... We're excited to see the fall crops getting a good start, and while the temperatures are still pretty intense, the shorter days and c1 read more »
Pop-up Tomato sale for August 24, 2021
It's peak tomato season on the farm!!! That means that it's time to make salsa, sauce, marinara, or canned tomatoes... We've got twenty pound boxes for sale (about the size of a ream of paper) for $30. These are straight field run, which means that you'll have some large, beautifu1 read more »
Special Tomato Pop-up Sale!!! (with Garlic, Onions, Peppers and more)
It's peak tomato season on the farm!!! That means that it's time to make salsa, sauce, marinara, or canned tomatoes... We've got twenty pound boxes for sale (about the size of a ream of paper) for $30. These are straight field run, which means that you'll have some large, beautifu1 read more »
Farm Happenings for August 17, 2021
Hi! We have had a lot of transition on the farm recently. There's the transition of veggies - shifting our thinking from summer to fall and winter. There's the transition in weather (it's going to get cooler right?) and there's the transition of personnel. Becca Thompson- who you1 read more »
Farm Happenings for August 10, 2021
It’s been another week of establishing fall crops, we’ve been very grateful for the cool weather which helps us get our carrots and beets off to a good start.
This week we have a special treat, we are offering a limited amount of fire roasted Anaheim’s. If you have not had these1 read more »
Farm Happenings for August 3, 2021
Quick note: Cantaloupe is the fruit share this week, there are extra cantaloupe to purchase as well!
Planting for the future, harvesting for the present.
CSA and market farming is all about looking ahead while also paying enough attention to the present to do it justice. This week we are balancing1 read more »