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Farm Happenings at Millsap Farms
Farm Happenings for March 3, 2023
These sunny days are working us hard (in a good way!) We are getting lots of beds prepped and ready to go for broccoli, kale and potatoes! A couple beds of lettuce went in the ground today and some snap peas! We are excited for spring! To celebrate the weather, we have some Muscari1 read more »
Farm Happenings for February 24, 2023
Hi Friends! We have had another busy week at the farm! We are thinning baby carrots, working on a new high tunnel, trying to wean baby pigs from their mama's, forming beds, and taking soil samples! We have been given a bunch of Red Onion starts and we would like to share them with you!1 read more »
Farm Happenings for February 17, 2023
Hi! We are seeding veggies and flowers like crazy right now! We make little square soil blocks, pop the seed in and place it in our "germination chamber" - a place with a little warmth and a lot of humidity. As soon as the seed starts to germinate (usually the root or radical is seen fi1 read more »
Farm Happenings for February 10, 2023
Hi friends! After a bit of a winter break, we are back with weekly (weather permitting) veggies and meat and all things local for your purchasing pleasure! We will be aiming to send out availablity on Tuesdays and the store front closes on Friday morning at 8am. You can choose between f1 read more »