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Farm Happenings at Millsap Farms
Farm Happenings for October 31, 2023
Here comes the frost!!!
We had a great run of warm fall weather, and it looks like it will end with a sudden chill this coming week. We will do some heating to get the bell peppers through this first round of cold weather, but it will be the end of the tomatoes, eggplant, figs, and squash.&nb1 read more »
Farm Happenings for October 24, 2023
Sweet potatoes are getting dug tomorrow (Saturday). Feel free to swing by for an hour or two tomorrow morning, if you have time, and lend a hand.
In other news, the fall continues to be mild and glorious; we are excited about all the carrots, beets, turnips, sweet potatoes, lettuce, spi1 read more »
Sweet Potato Digging Time! Farm Happenings for October 17, 2023
What a glorious autumn we're having!!! Warm days, cool nights, and blue skies make for happy farmers and happy plants. We're enjoying the delicious greens, the return of carrots, lots of beets, and beautiful spinach. Apples continue to delight, with fresh additions from the orcha1 read more »
Farm Happenings for October 10, 2023
It's been a busy week on the farm, with 700 lbs of sweet potatoes moved to storage, one thousand strawberry's transplanted, tunnels closed up in anticipation of the cold, and lots of clearing out of beds to be transplanted next week.
Additionally, we put our dear Emma on a plane back to the1 read more »