Farm Happenings at Millsap Farms
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Farm Happenings for June 11, 2024

Posted on June 7th, 2024 by Kimberly Decker

Oooops!  I was out late seeding green beans to take advantage of the dry soil and beat the rain, and by the time I got back in the house, I forgot to send this out, my apologies.  On the plus side, that rain was perfect for settling in the beans, and we should have abundant beans in August.  We've got a couple more weeks until slicing tomatoes start, but the cherry tomatoes are coming on strong, along with lots of cabbage, onions, kale, and a few surprises like rhubarb (usually done because of the heat by this time of year), and gooseberries.  Looks like this week we may finally settle in to a more typical summer weather pattern; we are at least 8 inches above average rainfall out here on the farm for the past two months, but it appears this week we might start to get hotter and drier, which the tomatoes, squash, eggplant, and bell peppers will appreciate.  Just in time too, we need a five day stretch of sunny warm weather to get our first crop of bulb onions out of the field and dried, so the forecast is welcome.  My family is gearing up for our annual family float trip this week; for 46 years my family has been spending a week on the Buffalo River in June.  So if you have questions or need assistance with your share this week, reach out to Kimby, our multi-talented farm manager, at  The Millsaps will be back on farm Saturday, refreshed an renewed from our annual sojourn in the wilderness.  

Thanks for choosing us to be your farmers. 

Farmer Curtis