Farm Happenings at Ridge to Reef Farm
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Farm Happenings for April 11, 2020

Posted on April 8th, 2020 by Nate Olive

While the world deals with the pandemic the mango trees don't seem to mind.  It looks like summer will bring an amazing fruit season this year and some things are showing early.  A few mangoes are appearing and baby avocadoes have formed on some of the heavy flowering trees.  Wax apples are plumping out and young jackfruits are hanging.  Pineapples are fruiting heavily.

We still have room in the summer farm share box memberships:) So get your spot if you want whats coming from the orchards along with a new set of organic veggies. If your membership is set to "auto-renew" you won't need to take any action and your share will be extended into the summer season.

This week we have a lot of variety for your kitchen, featuring sweet watermelons, tender baby kale, hearty radishes and turnips, and a range of culinary herbs among many other crops. West indian locust pods (AKA stinking toe) are now starting to fall. This native fruit should be cracked open sideways with a hammer and then you pull the dry flesh off of the seeds and use in a smoothie or eat raw. It's a popular homemade ice cream ingredient:)  A few soursops have also filled out among many young fruits, and crunchy bok choy is offering plenty this week.  

This is our second to last week in the farm share program. After next Saturday, we will start using only the Farm Stand box feature until May 9th when the summer farm share season begins. So if you aren't already hooked into Farm Stand and you want a share in the interim, log into your account and add that feature so you can add your box to the weekly list.

Here's the way Farm Stand works: If a box that matches your crop preferences exists in our weekly inventory, you will get an email from Harvie telling you a box is available. With afew clicks you can buy one for the week or let it pass by, it's up to you.

Freshly made tamales with farm-raised pork and herbs will be available at the Little La Grange Farm pick up location, provided by Misfit Island Munchies. Bring some extra cash if you want to take some home, while supplies last:)

Thank you so much for supporting us during this time, as it is essential to our survivial and ability to keep serving up fresh organic crops to our island community. Enjoy these shares we send to you safely with peace, love, and good health.

Nate & the Farm Crew