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Farm Happenings at Ridge to Reef Farm
Blessings of rain & teamwork: Introducing new multi-farm options
Blessed be the rains. During this recent dry & dusty streak, we took in some healthy rain yesterday. It's been perfect for our sets of young crops and seedlings to come in the summer farm share season. The tiny mango fruits are filling fast. More pineapples blushed and the arugla is poppi1 read more »
Farm pop up stand in between seasons:)
This week we are in between our normal Farm Share membership seasons but we still have so many fantastic crops available in our pop-up Farm Stand:)
Once joined on the Farm Stand at Harvie, you will get an email every week there is a box that fits your crop preferences. Check out what or1 read more »
Farm Happenings for April 18, 2020
This weekend marks the official end of our 2020 Winter Farm share program, which is also our first full-length Community Supported Agriculture program (CSA) since hurricanes Irma and Maria.
I'd like to give thanks for everyone who has helped out along the road to recovery, especially our hard1 read more »
Farm Happenings for April 11, 2020
While the world deals with the pandemic the mango trees don't seem to mind. It looks like summer will bring an amazing fruit season this year and some things are showing early. A few mangoes are appearing and baby avocadoes have formed on some of the heavy flowering trees. Wax app1 read more »
Fruit Season is coming for April 4, 2020
Fruit season is just around the corner and some early arrivals are appearing this week. The dry weather after all the rain is perfect for fruit production and we forecast an above-average mango season along with other fruits that seem to have been holding back since Hurricane Maria. The sugar1 read more »