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Farm Happenings at Ridge to Reef Farm
Watermelon & Things
As I sit here watching the first-almost-named storm to lightly hit us this year, it has me thinking. Overall, we have grown too many crops for this time of year for our Farm Share program. Is that possible?
Hopefully by now, you have seen that with a few clicks you can go beyond the weekly share bo1 read more »
A head of schedule
To say the least, it has been an unusual cropping season this year. Normally, we are struggling to keep plants watered in the peak of summer but this year we have been truly blessed with recurrent rains. Crops are generally ahead of schedule and to great proportions.
I don't ever recall having such1 read more »
Summertime abundance
As promised in last week's newsletter, tomatoes are showing up big time this week! We are so pleased to offer an abundant amount of very tasty beefsteak slicers in the midst of summer when tomatoes are usually very hard to grow in the VI. I credit the success to our amazing farm crew members, who h1 read more »
We are so thankful for our first tropical wave that brought over 4 inches of rain to the farm over the past few days. It's perked up our grasses, which we will use to mulch our garden beds after mowing and forking.
This rain was different than previous events as it finally penetrated the soil and o1 read more »
It's going to be an unusual independence weekend without the gatherings for fireworks during Emancipation Day on Friday and the U.S Independence Day on Saturday. SO... we are packing them in a box for you.
There will be a lot of color exploding in your shares. This week we have sma1 read more »