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Farm Happenings at Ridge to Reef Farm
Use it or lose it!
There's ample crops this week with the tomatoes in the star position. Pictured above are the tomatoes interplanted with ginger. Seasoning peppers are also popping. Bock choy heads are making an early appearance this week as are some delicate baby turnip greens, while the carrots continue to impress1 read more »
Organic w/ Friends
We are excited this week to have received our annual Organic Certificate after a crazy year which led to our first ever virtual inspection! All of the crops we feature are USDA organic unless it is listed under a different farm name. Organic or not, we support all our fellow farmers as our mi1 read more »
Think Twice Before Going Topless... (recipe below)
Tops Off!
This week it's all about the carrots! Also please bring in your egg cartons, boxes, and aluminum cans for re-use/recycling!
Making the most of your Ridge2Reef CSA Box [from farm apprentice Jenny Knoeller]
The tops of your produce are edible, and boast many nutritional benefits and fl1 read more »
Farm Happenings for February 6, 2021
Our amazing carrot crop is in full force this week and cucumbers are just making a tiny entry into the crop list before next week's cuke explosion! Oregano, thyme, parsley and basil are holding down the flavor front. Tomatoes are going off with many more fruits to come in following weeks despite so1 read more »