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Farm Happenings at Ridge to Reef Farm
Oo baby baby
Happy Wednesday from the Farm Crew!
This week we are excited about a lot of new crops that have just started coming in. Pictured above we have baby Swiss chard that just germinated this week and will be ready for harvest later this month. We also have a lot of thyme planted with this batch of chard1 read more »
Pesky Pests
Happy Wednesday from the farm crew!
This week we have been busy battling some pest issues over here on the farm and coming up with new ways of keeping our crops safe. Some mice have decided that some of the seedlings in our potting shed are their new favorite snack, so we have been getting creative1 read more »
Oh deer...
This week our deer protection game has been strong as we are working on defending our fields and gardens from their presence. As pictured above, farm apprentices Matt and Dimitri built their own version of a scare-crow in order to deter the deer from entering our garden. In addition to this, we've1 read more »
Welcome Back!
We are excited to launch our summer CSA season and the farm crew wanted to give everyone a big thank you for joining us! Whether you are a first timer or a returning CSA member, we appreciate your support and passion for Ridge to Reef Farm. We couldn't do it without you! We have lots of things in s1 read more »