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Farm Happenings at Ridge to Reef Farm
Farm Happenings for July 2, 2022
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Blessed Rain
The rain we got over the weekend really helped save many of our crops that have been struggling severely since the start of this drought. The dryness coupled with irrigation problems we have been facing here has made it a challenge to keep many things alive, but we thank everyone for sticking with1 read more »
Keep the bees happy
As we continue to trek through this dry season I'm noticing more than ever how the lack of water is effecting the critters in our midst. The birds are getting into more crops than I have ever noticed, the bees are swarming around any drip of water and the deer are becoming more bold. It has been ha1 read more »
Sweet goodbyes
This week we said goodbye to our donkeys Pippin and Pearl. We don't have a good space to keep them anymore so we gave them to our neighbor to use in looking after his sheep. We will miss their presence but know they are onto bigger and better things!
This week we are continuing to work on setting u1 read more »