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Farm Happenings at Ridge to Reef Farm
Pineapple Dreams
Happy Tuesday! We just got the first little bit of rain we've had in over two weeks and that's all I can think about currently. It has been exceptionally dry over here which has been causing some irrigation issues, but we're lucky to have dedicated crew members who make sure everything gets watered1 read more »
Things that make us happy
Nate and I have been spending a lot of time recently reflecting on things that bring us joy and things that we are looking forward to in the remaining weeks of the season. We look forward to the arrival of new interns and apprentices in a few weeks, the first harvest of many new crops, and the cont1 read more »
Let's talk melons
Do you know what's really hard to grow here? Melons. And a lot of cucurbits (squash, cucumber, pumpkin, etc.) but mostly melons. There's this terrible thing us farmers are cursed with called downy mildew and it reeks absolute havoc on most varieties of melons. We have had success with growing sever1 read more »
Can't have flowers without any rain
We hope everyone is staying dry today, although personally I'm getting a little impatient over here waiting for this storm to begin, we've haven't even gotten half an inch of rain yet! In order to prevent damages to some of our crops during the storm we've been busy harvesting certain crops all mor1 read more »
Sweet sweet corn
So remember last week when I warned you all about corn...well here it is! The first flush of sweet corn has arrived. Now don't be upset if it doesn't make it into your box this week because there is more to come, but I wanted to harvest the first bit of it that's ready before the caterpillars claim1 read more »