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Farm Happenings at Ridge to Reef Farm
Simple pleasures
This week I've been really focusing on the simple pleasures in life, the little things that make it easier to maintain positivity throughout the day. With everything going on in our crazy world and our busy lives I try to focus on these small joys, such as the simple beauty of honey bees pollinatin1 read more »
Taste the Rainbow
This week we have a lot of variety in the shares as many of the crops we planted a few months ago are starting to come in. Pictured above we have some rainbow chard that is beginning to grow more abundantly so we will start having more available in the boxes in the coming weeks. This stuff is great1 read more »
Winter Greens
Good Afternoon All!
This week we have some good things going on here at Ridge 2 Reef. We are doing some fence reinforcing to keep the deer at bay to get you the fresh vegetables we all desire. Some A plus zucchini are coming in, which is excellent news. The broccolini is starting to show their pret1 read more »
Happy New (CSA season) Year!
Welcome to 2022...and the 16 week Winter/Spring CSA! Thanks for joining us :) This season will hold changes in weather, we've already been experiencing the effects of the dryness, changes in crops and a bit of change in the organization of how we do things here on the farm. But fear not, change is1 read more »