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Farm Happenings at Ridge to Reef Farm
Bring on the rain
Anyone catch any of that rain today? It was awesome. Dry season can be rough on new plants but we took full advantage of the rain showers today to get a bunch of new crops in the ground. Pictured above is some of the Italian Basil and Celery we planted recently. Today we were feeling ambitious and1 read more »
For the love of greens
With the dry weather that's been coming our way recently the farm crew has been taking extra special care to make sure some of our more fragile crops are being taken care of. This means making adjustments to irrigation schedules, putting up deer fencing and keeping the birds away from our tomatoes!1 read more »
Happy bees means happy farm
Happy Wednesday from our sunflowers and their pollinators! (see image above)
This week we have kept busy by planting and seeding for the next season. Farm apprentice Matt and the trusty BCS (a small two-wheel tractor) created a new little plot which was quickly lined with irrigation and filled1 read more »