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Farm Happenings at Ridge to Reef Farm
Farm Happenings for July 3, 2021
It's only Tuesday and we've already had a busy week over here on the farm. We have been opening up many new fields on the farm and with that comes many tasks. The crew has been working hard to mulch and fence in our new plots containing melons, sweet corn, cucumber, and zinnias that will be availab1 read more »
Ginger goodness
Happy rainy Tuesday from the farm crew!
Since October we have (not so sneakily) been growing ginger and it's finally ready for harvest. Last week we harvested our field of ginger and replanted most of it in a new plot to begin the process of developing our ginger culture here on the farm. We decide1 read more »
Happy Tuesday! (I had to think about that one for a second because my brain was jumping the gun and telling me it was Wednesday...)
Ask anyone on the crew and they'll tell you the theme of this week has been abundance. The rains we have been getting the past few weeks made some of our crops explode1 read more »
Pineapple Fields Forever
Fruit season is in full swing and we are finding ourselves already overwhelmed with pineapples and mangoes. Many of our pineapples that are ripening are a bit on the smaller size so this week we have added an additional category of pineapple - "mini". These mini pineapples are still just as sweet a1 read more »
Rainy Days
It's June which means the summer is nearly upon us! This week we have really been feeling the effects of the rains of the past few days both in celebration and frustration. The rains have helped many of our young plants along and as a result we have an abundance of certain crops such as peppers and1 read more »