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Farm Happenings at Ridge to Reef Farm
Plenty to share
Dry times continue on the farm, which is a good thing and bad thing. We've watched and heard thunderstorms echo to the east and north of us, but they are only throwing sparse sprinkles our way (so far). The good part is weed pressure has dropped significantly, and plant disease is slower to s1 read more »
Moving into extra sweet dry times
It's been a wet year in the past 12 months and now the sky and land are dry. It's a relief in many ways in terms of weed and disease control, but it's made us double down our watering efforts to keep new crops jumping. The good thing about dryness is sweetness. Our pine1 read more »
Farm Happenings for May 16, 2020
We are more than pleased to be starting the first week of our Summer Farm Share program! The crops are off to a great start and it is already looking to be a promising season in both the crop fields and the orchards. The deer have been pesty and the dryness has kept us attentive but we are moving t1 read more »
Farm Happenings for May 9, 2020
This week we are continuing with the Farm Stand and have pushed the normal Summer seasonal shares back a week. There is plenty to share this week, so we hope you get to enjoy a box for your local organic fixings and offering from our partner farms as well.
The pineapples are coming along nice1 read more »