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Farm Happenings at Ridge to Reef Farm
Farm Happenings for March 28, 2020
It has been an interesting time for us and all farmers in the past weeks. We really appreciate your support and are taking every necessary step to ensure you still have access to safe, fresh locally grown food. The rains have been a blessing when usually this is a dry time of year. Grops are1 read more »
Corona Virus Response (COVID- 19) from Ridge to Reef Farm
[update: We are working on making more shares available as demand has skyrocketed. If you want to hear about new shares and other projects coming out as a response to the situation, please sign up for our foodie news alerts on the "CSA waiting list"]
Dear farm friends and members,
As we all wi1 read more »
Let thy food be thy medicine for March 21, 2020
Here we are in a week of our farm share season when food safety, security, sovereignty, and nutrition have never been so important. We are proud this week to present a wide range of fresh, nutrient-dense foods that are delicious medicine for our bodies. Earlier this week we informed you1 read more »
Farm Happenings for March 14, 2020
We wish the best of luck to Dennis who finished his internship at the farm this week! He recently planted a great set of crops using the BCS walk-behind tractor!
Sweet crunchy carrots are booming again, some of the first watermeloms are ripening and celery is flling in as the season moves along on1 read more »
Farm Happenings for March 7, 2020
Please anjoy your farm shares this week. Crunchy radishes are back as well as sweet carrots. The peas are epic. New crops have gone in along the alley-cropped living terraces.
Please join us for the 15th annual Bush Skills Rendezvous March 5-8. That's tomorrow through Sunday.
Happy1 read more »