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Farm Happenings at Ridge to Reef Farm
Sweet and dry
As we continue to persevere through these dry times, we are rewarded with some sweetness. Mango trees in our orchard are flowering heavily with promises of mangoes late into the summer. Our pineapples are ripening quickly and we have to harvest often to quell rat pressure. Even the soursops are sta1 read more »
Dust Days
Summer is coming in hot and we've got lots to share with you all. Mangoes are starting to drop from the trees so we are trying our best to pick them before the birds find out. The Sahara dust we've been experiencing this past week has been impacting our solar capacities but we are doing our best to1 read more »
Weekend Rain
Good Day,
Like the title says, we had some wonderful rain this weekend. It couldn't have come at a better time. With Being so dry lately, and having done some big plantings for the future of the CSA, we were very pleased to have the rain on our side. It has brought forth a fantastic germination rat1 read more »
Happy Tuesday everyone!
It's that time of the year where every little bit of water goes such a long way. Are plants are thirsty and we are trying our best to make sure they retain as much water as possible. Using cut grass, banana leaves and even old cardboard boxes can help retain water in the soi1 read more »
Welcome back members, all of you, from the brand new, to the crafty veterans. We are excited to start this season off right, with bringing you some of the highest quality fruits and vegetables this island has to offer. That being said, in spite of all the heat and dryness lately, we have a wonderfu1 read more »