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Farm Happenings at Ridge to Reef Farm
Beans, beans!
Holy moly, what happened to dry season? My bed is damp, I haven't irrigated in a week and things we used to harvest every other day now could probably be harvested twice a day. I am by no means complaining, the hillsides are still lush and green, our cistern is full and our plants aren't facing the1 read more »
Beans, beans!
Holy moly, what happened to dry season? My bed is damp, I haven't irrigated in a week and things we used to harvest every other day now could probably be harvested twice a day. I am by no means complaining, the hillsides are still lush and green, our cistern is full and our plants aren't facing the1 read more »
A whole lotta green
You guys remember all that rain last week? We're already feeling the effects of that, both positively and negatively. Lots of rain means lots of green. New growth on trees, new growth on crop plants, and new weeds. We planted a lot last week which worked out well with the amount of rain we got, but1 read more »
It ain't all flowers
I think a common misconception of organic farming is the belief that we all run around barefoot through fields of flowers and all of our produce is just naturally gorgeous and requires no inputs and everything just works out because we work with nature. Maybe on some farms that's the case, and if t1 read more »
Protect your plants
It seems like we do an awful lot of plant protecting over here on the farm. We install deer netting around all of our fields, we spray certain crops to avoid pest and disease damage, we patrol around the jackfruit and breadfruit trees looking for mango stem borers to squish... But one of my favorit1 read more »