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Farm Happenings at Ridge to Reef Farm
Farm Happenings for February 4, 2023
This week we've been enjoying the rain and taking advantage of the soft soil to plant plenty of veggies. All the plants have loved it, including the weeds, so we've had our hands full keeping everything we've planted happy. But one fresh cherry tomato and it all is worth it again! The1 read more »
Farm Happenings for January 28, 2023
Hello Hello Hello!
I am going to jump in right away with some important information. If you pick up your box at Leatherback brewery they close early on Saturday this week. The restaurant area closes at 2 pm and the bar at 3 pm. We will still be there handing out boxes 11-3, but anyone unable1 read more »
Farm Happenings for January 21, 2023
Hello Farm Friends!
I hope everyone enjoyed the rain as much as I did, a nice change of pace and the plants were singing. We spent the day out in the drizzle until the dry greenhouse got too tempting and we started to plant in there. Looking forward to the growth spurt we'll see in the next few day1 read more »
Farm Happenings for January 14, 2023
Hello! Second week! Whoo!
Last week's box was a whirlwind, and lots and lots of fun! Thank you all for joining us in the community of growing and sharing, we quite literally couldn't do it without you.
The whole farm team and I are gearing up for even more bed space this week. That means buil1 read more »
Welcoming the 2023 Season!
Hello Y'all!
Happy New Year! The new year brings new beginnings, including a fresh 2023 Ridge to Reef CSA. We have been working hard the past few months getting ready for this year's offerings of veggies, fruits, and more. We have a lot in store for y read more »